Space Invaders: Why you should never, ever use two spaces after a period, in Slate.
“Every modern typographer agrees on the one-space rule,” says the column. “Every major style guide–including the Modern Language Association Style Manual and the Chicago Manual of Style–prescribes a single space after a period.”
I’ve taken Farhad to task before, but I’m behind him here (even though I dislike how he positions his argument). I forcefully converted my own two-space habits sometime in 2004. It’s ungainly, and it doesn’t even render in HTML, where I spend much of my days. I’ve taken to performing a find-and-replace on any documents I have to proofread.
In fact, I can trace my period shifting to my first full-time position that required I use Outlook on Windows for email. Faced with seas of Arial, I could suddenly see how disjointed my text looked, after 15 years of Mishawaka in Eudora.
Habits are nice and conventions are nice. But clean, efficient typing is even nicer.
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For the sixth consecutive year, I’m chronicling in this space the places I visited over the past 12 months. To quote 2009, per Jason Kottke’s rules only overnights are listed; repeat visits are denoted with an asterisk, and places visited prior to this year get a dagger. (N.B. It seems I beat Jason to it this year.)
New York, NY *† (home base)
Orlando, FL †
Austin, TX
Livingston, NJ *†
New City, NY *†
Rendezvous Bay, Anguilla, British West Indies
Madison, WI †
Mooresville, NC *
Chicago, IL †
Sydney, Australia
Gloucester, MA †
West Tisbury (Martha’s Vineyard), MA †
West Warwick, RI
Dallas, TX
Palm Beach Gardens, FL †
I expect to get around somewhat less in 2011, although I already have trips planned or pending to Orlando, Boston, Charlotte and San Diego, so who knows.
My last Delicious (, that is–did Joshua Schachter keep that domain?) link will be a pointer to my Pinboard account. Sad to see this service go.
So I was right about one thing when I wrote about Duane Reade’s new flex rewards program in January:
Ten bucks a year is below my worth-the-trouble threshold, so I’m
basically done with the rewards card. I wonder how much less I’ll look
to DR as my default convenience store as a result.
Sure enough, I never did activate a new loyalty card. And now, between the changing system and DR’s buyout by Walgreens, I find myself without loyalty to the store in general. Instead, I find myself stopping in the new CVS that opened a block away (closer to my apartment!) instead… and I’ve never enjoyed CVS.
Duane Reade may be making a few more bucks–or, rather, saving them–but I wonder how many of their customers have done the same thing as me.
A useful and important read, if you love (or hate) the Yankees.
This is nothing but good news, except maybe for the folks at the Mermaid Inn up the block
Love. "Did you notice I'm currently the Foursquare mayor of Phoenix City Hall? Do you even know what that means? I'll tell you what it means: it means I'm kind of almost LITERALLY THE MAYOR."
This observation also applies to my desk.
I love that this exists. (via @waxpancake /