Washington cuts two players and sends a third to the minors. I always wonder why ball clubs don't do this more often. Managers and coaches are such easy targets, while the guys who can't play get paid millions anyway. Go Nats!
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Sentence of the day: "Captain Phillips … was found to be in relatively good condition for a 53-year-old seafarer who had been held since Wednesday by pirates who had demanded $2 million for his life." Trying to process what exactly that condition would be
After spending all of last summer alternating between cuffing my jeans and getting them caught in my bike chain, I kind of need these
More good news. One by one, the nation will come to its senses
Amazing, wonderful stuff, from Iowa of all places
In the wake of Tropicana’s disastrous rebranding over the winter, its sales plummeted 20 percent in six weeks. Twenty percent in six weeks!
That’s a disaster on a monumental scale for a brand this size–$33 million in lost sales, plus the millions of dollars in designing, packaging and marketing the new designs, and the funds to clean up the mess.
The sales news also sheds new light on the decision to switch the packaging back, which at the time was called a “deep emotional bond” among Tropicana consumers. Indeed, the exact opposite was true: without the logo, people assumed their juice was gone, and simply bought something else. Neil Campbell, call your public relations department. (via kottke.org and df)
New to me: "prama" (noun, PRAH-muh, shorthand for "dramatic events surrounding one's prom")
I encounter the Q problem whenever I play against the computer (side note to EA: the new iPhone Scrabble app stinks! I want to de-update mine)
Without giving away too much, I will note that this chart proves my childhood strategy to be correct
Thanks, Katie!
Fantastic, fascinating analysis of the increasingly loud (and, as a result, less dynamic) music mixes. This is what a generation of earbud heaphones and mp3 compression has wrought. It's not wrong, either–try listening to Zeppelin on an iPod outside and see how hard it is–but it is making music less compelling in important ways. Check out Finger Eleven's "Paralyzer" for a great Exhibit A in contemporary mixing technique