I marvel regularly at the phone booth on 90th and West End, which actually does get used for phone calls from time to time
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Gee, I haven’t done this in a while.
I’m onto something interesting following Alice, the new ecommerce website that enables CPG companies to sell quasi-direct to consumer. On aiaio, I dissect whether the alice.com business model is really new, and next week I’ll be critiquing the site’s shopping experience.
On Timely Demise: Crabtree & Evelyn’s bankruptcy and a handful of old and local stores this week. And, with a sigh, Joe Jr.’s Restaurant in the Village.
Select recent oh-so-important tweets:
- + They may *seem* just like other bread products, but pretzel rods are decidedly not breakfast food.
- + Cyclists: can I dangle a bag of Chinese food delivery off my rear-tire rack and bike home without losing my dinner?
- +I have an undying and boundless love for mom-and-pop hardware stores.
- +I STILL LOVE MY PAPER TACO TRUCK it’s on top of my cubicle ready to serve paper tacos to paper college students
- + Reviewing headphones. Having a blast.
- + “Madoff has been sentenced to 150 years, although he hinted that he could turn it into 350 for you with almost no risk.” http://cli.gs/j20tm
And, of course, Nathan got a Cozy Coupe.
Tonight I biked home with Chinese delivery. (It ultimately fit in my bike bag, not on the handlebars like the pros do it.) Photo by the inimitable Anna Perez.
Great analysis of The Economist and why it's doing so well. Interestingly, while I was design director of Economist.com for three and a half years, it was the print edition that I became addicted to, and I remain a paid subscriber to this day.
"NBC, which had scheduled a one-hour tribute to Farrah Fawcett tonight at 10 p.m., has now expanded that special to two hours, beginning at 9 p.m., to cover the deaths of both Ms. Fawcett and Mr. Jackson."
Oh my do I agree with you, Rafe. "I feel like I didn’t make the contributions I could have back in the olden days. I was there to bear witness but didn’t take advantage of the opportunities to make a bigger impact. Fortunately it’s not as though I’m out of chances."
"Please inform me of any prior experience in this kind of situation."
Baseball infographics = nerdy bliss
Great edit
"Clear Lanes Are No Longer Available. At 11:00 p.m. PST on June 22, 2009, Clear will cease operations. Clear’s parent company, Verified Identity Pass, Inc. has been unable to negotiate an agreement with its senior creditor to continue operations."
So much I could say
I suspect that if it didn't have such a negative social stigma, I'd still be playing (and learning from, and enjoying) D&D