Minor Ideapad alteration today: the date/posted-to line of an item, previously beneath the headline, has relocated to the end of the body text.

Astute readers of this page (hi, Mom) will notice a slight stylistic change today: The date/posted-to line of each entry on the index page, previously beneath the headline, has relocated to the end of the item.

Why? Two reasons:

1. Editorially, the date was getting in the way of the reading of an item. I disliked the interruption between headline and body text when leading into a link or a brief item. The date is less relevant than the previous layout said it was.

2. Visually, the datestamp provides a footer to an item, making a clean break before the next one and allowing me to lessen the whitespace between entries.

If my hunch is correct, reading items will be easier and the text will pack a little more punch. (No promises on lessening the use of cliches.)