If you’re like me, you a) love media, b) love getting stuff cheap, and c) have stuff that you can’t bring yourself to throw away because it is potentially worth something to someone else.

Time was, you’d go to half.com, but the site’s been overrun by two-bit commercial entities that undercut your sale prices, and you started to feel a bit dirty buying stuff from unknown retail outfits in Idaho, so you stopped going there. Plus the deals weren’t that good, and you didn’t get much money back from your sales.

Good news! Now you can go to Trodo and get new stuff for free. All you have to do is share some of your stuff in return. All users pay their own shipping costs, and it’s a give-one-get-one model. It’s peer-to-peer filesharing for physical media.

Trodo is the brainchild of my top-notch colleagues Adrian Holovaty and John S. Rhodes. Go forth and share.