Having written previously about local pricing policies and Petco in Union Square, I’d like to make a public note of the following price differences, this time between the (local) Food Emporium on 14th Street, in my apartment building, and the (national) Whole Foods across the street.

Darling brand Clementines, crate

– at Food Emporium: $9.99

– at Whole Foods: $6.99

Bananas, standard (non-organic), lb.

– at Food Emporium: $.79

– at Whole Foods: $.69

Seedless grapes, standard (non-organic), lb.

– at Food Emporium: $4.49

– at Whole Foods: $2.89

When I began living in this neighborhood I griped continuously about how outrageously expensive the Food Emporium was. When Whole Foods opened I rallied in Food Emporium’s defense, since I liked the convenience and selection. But when the premium-priced organic emporium is beating supermarket prices on everyday fruits and vegetables, what is the smart consumer to do?