What’s a matta you
Gotta no respect
Whadda you think you do
Why you looka so sad
It’s a not so bad
It’s a nice a place
Blogging since 1998. By David Wertheimer
What’s a matta you
Gotta no respect
Whadda you think you do
Why you looka so sad
It’s a not so bad
It’s a nice a place
New content over at User Savvy: A review of “Speed Up Your Site,” the useful Web site optimization book by Andrew King.
My dog likes to ride the luggage cart in my apartment building, standing or sitting and watching the world go by as he relaxes. It’s cute, but the real coup will be when I teach him to skateboard.
My dog Charley accompanied me to Florida again last month, where we met up with the in-laws and sister-in-law and her family, including my nephew, Noah, who has a nice personal relationship with the dog.
One evening I go to take Charley for a quick walk and Noah (now three and a half years old) motions to the leash. I hand Noah the reins and the three of us go outside.
As we approach the dog’s preferred area, I tell Noah, “Now, if you say ‘Charley, go pee!’ he’ll pee for us.”
Noah, on cue: “Charley, go pee!”
Charley does his little half-squat-half-leg-lift and begins to relieve himself. Noah, fascinated, slowly cocks his head and body down and sideways to watch the dog go.
Pooch finishes fast. Nephew looks up at me. “Charley go little pee.”
“Yeah, Noah, sometimes he only has to go a little.”
Noah, with pride and his arms outstretched: “I go BIG pee!”
Nick Denton and Meg Hourihan launched Kinja, the automated blog blogger, today. So far it looks pretty good: clean UI, easy to follow instructions, decent digest tools.
I don’t get why there’s no master list of weblogs for me to peruse and choose, though. Or how this is easier for the layman than bouncing through a bunch of bookmarks. I also am not seeing this post appearing in my digest as I add and update it, so I’m not sure how the engine works (do I need an RSS feed?).
Still, if Kinja is anything like Denton’s other ventures, it will subversively work its way into my file of daily must-haves. Best of luck.
Here’s my Kinja digest (still evolving as of April 1).
More on Kinja: New York Times coverage; Nick Denton’s remarks.
Lots of flap around town lately concerning New York Times reporter Amanda Hesser’s restaurant reviews. Eurotrash has condemned her reviews two weeks in a row, leading others to speculate on her style and rationale.
Nearly lost within the hubbub are two facts: one, Hesser is a temp, holding the position of house critic until the Times picks a permanent replacement (which is good, because Hesser is a good writer, but plainly not cut out for reviews); and two, even if she’s only fair at the gig, she’s a lot better than Marian Burros, who held the position for a few weeks after William Grimes’s departure.
Still, while she has some fair excuses, Hesser is not doing a great job with her seat. And the news that her three-star review of Spice Market scratched the back of a chef who heaped glowing praise on the dust jacket of her last book is pretty damned uncomfortable.
Why do people give up weblogs?
Regular readers of this site (hi, Mom) know that my blogging goes in cycles. I can go weeks without a post at times, and ramp up to daily postings or more at others. I retain the Ideapad, in all its pre-Movable-Type, non-RSS, aging-design glory, because it remains my outlet for creative thinking and personal writing, not to mention the occasional critique or clever thought: an ideapad as originally writ.
All of the opinions expressed in “Why do people give up weblogs?” are shared by me on occasion: no time, no interest, wrong audience, wrong focus, unimportant. At the end of the month, though, I do like to look back and see what I’ve been thinking. That compels me, even in dry spells, to keep this site going, long after I first thought of shutting it down.
In related news, I turn 31 today, a rather insignificant birthday on a rather insignificant day. I will have steak tonight with my wife, and it will be lovely, and later this week I will find something else to write about, like how my wife’s friend’s friend’s future mother in law was the bethonged older woman videotaped in Bloomingdale’s earlier this month. And the Ideapad, like my age, marches proudly on.
Just gloating. Back Friday.
Fundrace’s neighbor search is a great way to scoop lots of interesting information about your neighborsânot only who they are, but what they do and who they support. Look, Ma, Ed Norton lives in my ZIP code, and he’s a Democrat!
Must … own … Mars Volta … soon!
Ideapad © 1998–2025 David Wertheimer. All rights reserved.