As they hope, this makes me want to shop amazon.com for just about everything
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I'm sorry, but once you get to this point, the explanation is basically moot
And me, in my tag cloud costume. Ah, office Halloween
Ah, schadenfreude
Anil and Alaina sitting in a museum…. what a neat gift
Wow: "In 2009, the Monitor will become the first nationally circulated newspaper to replace its daily print edition with its website; the 100 year-old news organization will also offer subscribers weekly print and daily e-mail editions." I will be sad when the NYT does this in a few years, leaving me to download PDFs to a gadget
Alaska's main newspaper endorses Obama. The editors neatly sidestep any pro-Palin bias by focusing (rightly) on the two candidates for President, then politely put the governor in her place, noting her extreme lack of experience
Now online: MTV Music. So obvious and wonderful it’s amazing it took this long. Not only is it great for archival purposes, it’s also a chance to see videos that don’t get much air time in this post-music video era. Shame it took MTV so many years to roll out an easy-to-use music video archive, but hey, better late than never.
What I’ve watched this morning, blissfully all over the map:
~ Godley and Creme, Cry (probably my favorite video, period)
~ Val Emmich, Get on with It
~ LL Cool J, Mama Said Knock You Out (live Unplugged)
~ Estelle, American Boy (she looks nothing like I expected)
~ Kiss, I Love It Loud
~ Queens of the Stone Age, Go with the Flow (check the similarities in the glowing eyes to the Kiss video)
~ Living Colour, Cult of Personality
I’m disappointed by some conspicuous omissions (Lenny Kravitz’s “Are You Gonna Go My Way” is a huge lack; “Ray of Light,” “You Oughta Know” too), but in general, it’s both fun and fascinating.
First, an update: I have continued my bicycle commuting healthily since I took it up in May. Schedule and weather willing, I’ve been riding to work twice a week straight into the fall. I’m running out of time, though: once Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend, my route home will be quite dark by 5:15 p.m., which will probalby shelve the bicycle until spring.
Biking in autumn is quite different than jaunts in the heat of summer. For a while, it becomes easier: no heat and harsh sun means less fatigue and sunburn. Jeans are a comfortable (if floppy in the legs) riding outfit. Water bottles go untouched.
Very rapidly, though, the weather turns, and all bets are off. Beautiful days begin at 40-degree temperatures with icy winds, making the riverside route a touch more masochistic than expected. Layering nylon outerwear blocks the breeze but creates sweat. And the shorter days create dark areas and reduced visiblity, making the ride far more treacherous.
Which is not to say I’m enjoying it any less. The views have changed; morning light is more angular, evenings scenic and comforting. The once-crowded greenway has been steadily emptying, providing less to look at but more room to ride. I’ve watched a new park by Chelsea Piers take shape and witnessed the return of the Intrepid. Fellow bikers are either intense riders in full gear or civilians in warmer clothing–I spied a woman in skirt, hose and overcoat the other day, talking on her phone, astride her hybrid Raleigh.
And, of course, I’m burning roughly 500 calories each day during my commute. Part of the genius of the bicycle commute is that I’m getting a workout during time that would otherwise be spent doing nothing. For someone who hates going to the gym, this is a great efficiency.
But it’s the pleasantness, above all, that makes the bike ride worthwhile. Instead of spending time underground, I’m cycling through a beautiful park alongside the Hudson River, watching the sun rise and set, listening to music, moving at my own pace. I’m already looking forward to the springtime.
Sorry Choire!
This is what we've come to: even plunging stock prices disappoint us when they don't plunge strongly
Clever concept for getting frequent flier miles essentially for nothing, but it seems like a lot of effort for $10 in value
Neil Gaiman tries to buy a G1 phone. Most noteworthy for the soon-to-be-universal term, "Do the Google"
Check out the last two photos, Los Angeles 1908 vs. 2008. hoo wee
It's a really, really bad sign when a company whose stock price is at 27 cents plans on doubling the number of shares outstanding. Note to self: don't spend money on new sat radio gadgets anytime soon
Matt is so… Oregonian
Bottled water: not just bad for the environment, but potentially bad for you, too! I've started keeping chilled water in my fridge, 1970s-style. But sadly we still crank through a case of Poland Spring every two weeks