
Blogging since 1998. By David Wertheimer

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Now this is how to blog

Bill Simmons’ latest column on ESPN quasi-Rickrolls readers deep in football mode into watching Hulk Hogan defeat the Iron Sheik at Madison Square Garden. Which, in turn, gets said reader’s mind into nostalgia mode, whereupon one quickly discovers all kinds of great Hulk Hogan nuggets–he was huge in Japan!–and then to the real “who knew?” moment, unearthing this thorough list of pro wrestling terms on (where else?) Wikipedia.

A worked screwjob, is part of the storyline and the match is intended to end controversially. A shoot screwjob is extremely rare and occurs when a change is made without one of the participants knowing, creating an outcome that is contrary to what was supposedly planned for the storyline by the participants. The most famous example of a screwjob of this type is the Montreal Screwjob.

Behond, the wondrous serendipity that is the Internet. And those 23″ pythons.

Take off, eh

What I learned today: Geddy Lee of Rush guested on Bob and Doug McKenzie’s cult classic comedy routine, “Take Off, Eh,” because Lee and Rick Moranis went to elementary school together.
Me, I used to pick on Chelsea Handler on the walk home from school, but I don’t think I’m being asked on her show anytime soon.

links for 2010-08-18

links for 2010-08-11

  • This is the blog for the Wakemate, a new gadget for mobile phones that is supposed to track your rem sleep cycles and help you consistently rise in the morning on the proverbial right side of the bed. I know this applies to me, so I queued up for the product, many months ago. The blog is a fascinating study in what it takes to produce a physical product–it's very, very hard (and crucial to get the details right at launch, and production delays are inevitable. Check out the combination of optimism, crisis and grind in the Wakemate's blog. (Also, Wakemate, if you're reading this, I'm ready for my shipment.)

Translation of an article of comment spam submitted to an Ideapad blog post in German

Moin Moin! How are you you? I have a fun toy for
Young people searched for your order. Hurrah! I really exactly,
what I was looking so long at the following from a dedicated
Author operated Web site. The Internet Web Site remote
discounted capital ships, harbor tugs and flattop.
The remote-controlled boats are gifts, you who at any time
should watch! So quickly in order: remote-controlled boat

(Translation via Google Translate. Also: I think it’s about time I turned off comments for good.)

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