This is great. "I think the shock of the Woods scandal is largely a testament to the power of the fundamental attribution error (FAE). Simply put, the FAE occurs when people overestimate the importance of supposedly 'fundamental' personality traits and underestimate the importance of variables like context."
It's a shame there's no byline on this piece
Category: linklog (Page 8 of 8)
Excellent primer, although I may get crazy looks if I try this at dinner tomorrow night
This is really handsome, especially the use of the NYT fonts
Genius observations and suggestions. Makes me want to have a drink at 12:47 in the afternoon. Sometime this weekend I have to whip up some cookies and break out the Lagavulin (and go shopping for 50ml bottles of single malt)
Belatedly linking to this–the most important 2009 analysis I've read
"Now please kindly go fuck yourselves or each other."
Congratulations to Anil on the launch of his new venture
So maybe this won’t be a regular feature. Anyway.
- Baby’s First Internet – The Morning News: If TMN prints this I’d totally buy it for my son
- New Yorkers try to swallow calorie sticker shock – Diet and nutrition- msnbc.com: DD choco chip muffin: 630 calories. Wasn’t it nicer when we were blissfully ignorant?
- Its Official: NYMag Buys MenuPages | paidContent.org: Fine pickup by New York Media; Menupages is a real hard-work dotcom success, and an essential tool for New Yorkers
- usergeneratedcontext.pdf (application/pdf Object): I like this notion–that UGC is really about context; professional (or at least dedicated) sources are creating most of the true content, and the user base is expounding and defining that content
Recent tweets
- 1. Open bottle of iced tea. 2. Absentmindedly shake bottle. 3. Clean floor, pants, desk. 4. Find replacement keyboard when YUIO keys die (03:07 PM July 21, 2008)
- Why did an item I put on a 7-day ebay auction this evening get 5 bids in its first five hours? Is poaching passe? (11:37 PM July 20, 2008)
- Sitting at the computer, Nathan on my lap staring at the monitor and reaching for the mouse pad. He’s a natural (10:10 AM July 18, 2008 )
- Picturesque uws: clear sunny skies, a light breeze, birds chirping, and a rat crossing my path in riverside park (08:41 AM July 10, 2008)
- So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so tired (02:51 PM July 07, 2008)
Nathan, of course, just keeps growing, and so does his blog. (He’ll be reading “Baby’s First Internet” before you know it.)
And the business blog is humming, with a new UX Critic feature we’ve introduced and numerous posts from me on the new iPhone. Take a look.
In fairly short order I have become quite the distended blogger: from a near-complete publishing slate in this space, I now have six different locations online where my words and pictures appear.
Much as been said elsewhere about the potentially excess fragmentation of the online space, so I won’t go into that here. Rather than fight it, I’ve embraced multiple services for their individual advantages. As for blogging, well, I now have this blog and a work blog and a kid blog, so here we are.
My del.icio.us link exporter seems to have stopped working again, which provides me with an opportunity to do what others have done and cull the links, blog posts and errata from elsewhere into a single post. I’ll try and do this once a week if not more.
- The consumer cost of the iPhone on AIAIO. Contrary to popular belief, I am not automatically following the Apple Pied Piper and buying a new phone next month.
- UX in the world of food, also on AIAIO, from a few weeks ago.
- Let’s see how this works: some choice tweets from recent days….
- The pleasure of working from home is sorely mitigated by the looming specter of changing a poop diaper after completing a conference call (link)
- new baby: permanent answer to the question “what should I do with my free time” (link)
- How hot is it out? So hot my dog would rather hold it in than go for a walk (link)
- From my del.icio.us feed: Obama clinches nomination; Clinton seeks VP spot—Let me take a moment away from paternity leave to celebrate America’s color-blind selection of a bright, progressive politician as one of our two main Presidential candidates
And then, of course, there’s Nate. I’ve got an early update on him on his own blog, and lots of photos on display, deliberately separated from this space for obvious reasons. There’s also a large mass of Nathan photos in my Flickr feed, which is newborn nirvana for folks who like that kind of thing. The kid’s fun: stop by.