Blogging since 1998. By David Wertheimer

Category: linklog (Page 3 of 8)

links for 2010-07-12

  • This is my favorite memory of the late Bob Sheppard: requesting that a full stadium of rowdy, Macarena-dancing fans would "please… do not throw socks… onto the playing field." I was at this game and laughed about it for years after. Bob Sheppard saying "socks." Jeter's recorded intro is a wonderful tribute that we'll be hearing at old-timers' day for decades to come

links for 2010-06-28

links for 2010-06-24

  • I'm an Apple fan, shareholder and relatively early adopter. But I have never understood the concept of waiting on a long line to buy a gadget. For one thing, the gadget's not going anywhere; pick it up a day, or a week, later if your career isn't dependent on it. Truly, what's the difference? (I bought the original iPhone on Day Two and my life was no less fulfilling or sexy.) For another, the danger of buying first means you may get to be the one to expose flaws. There's an old adage that says not to buy a car in its first model year, because production quality improves over time; perhaps this is starting apply to Apple, which has to crank out a million of any new device just for launch. Curious to see how this plays out.
    (tags: gadgets iphone)
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