Memories abound of dialing into the Dragon’s Lair and chatting with the sysop at 1200 baud
Category: Internet (Page 26 of 40)
itching to post this to Ask Metafilter
Well explained. I’m getting 2 days per charge with heavy use
I’m still scratching my head over this
por le iPhone
have to try this
Steve Rubel on personal branding. My first week of business school in 2003 I told my class, “I’m a brand,” and went onto describe how my online presence affected me in business. They thought I was nuts
[ test post for del.icio.us blog update system ]
Plus the fact that the iPhone’s wifi and video capability makes it a shrunken laptop, saving an additional $1000
Google Zooms In Too Close for Some in the New York Times. The article, discussing privacy issues surrounding Google Street View, uses as its human-interest lead a woman named Mary Kalin-Casey, who a few days earlier discussed Street View with BoingBoing and complained that anonymous people on the Internet could see her living room and her cat.
In agreeing to the Times interview, Kalin-Casey, who is ostensibly concerned about her privacy, posed for a photograph… in her living room… holding her cat.
Wordie. Wordie! It’s not Werty but hey.
A few summers after I got my nickname I attended camp with a kid who spent the entire seven weeks asking me to spell stuff. I figured he knew I was sixth grade spelling bee champ or something. It wasn’t until the second to last day of camp that I realized he thought my nickname was “Wordy” and that he assumed I was a word genius (or something).
Oh well.
We, the devout users of Google, are supposed to believe that Google News’ superior algorithms and programming make the use of editors obsolete. But Google News has an incredibly varied—and loose—list of news sources that includes the Gothamist newblogs among them.
Gothamist, of course, is a blog of summary and feature, not news, at least not often. More importantly, its editors are not afraid of a good joke or bit of snark. Which is usually good for Gothamist and its readers.
But really: is it good for Google News to select as its lead election story a post from Bostonist with the headline, “Connecticut Primary Almost Exciting; Lieberman Still Boring?”