It is often said, dear reader, that comments are the lifeblood of weblogs, bringing the pithy links, quotes and anecdotes of an otherwise humdrum personal site to unparalleled levels of vibrancy.
Thus, in recent months I brought comments to this Web site, in the simple-for-me-easy-for-you form of Quicktopic links, which cost nothing, work well, and encourage return visits, as they remember one’s login data efficiently, eschew pop-up windows, and avoid extensive programming by the affable fellow who does the back-end coding for this site for me. Obviously, these pages should and could be as vibrant as possible, and who am I to stand in the way of intellectual discourse?
Except, dear reader, that for some inexplicable reason, save for the news of my engagement and barring the inevitable conclusion that these compound sentences are in most cases a codeine on the synapses, you never say a thing.
Thus, no more comment links for the time being. No dummy, this one.