Blogging since 1998. By David Wertheimer

Month: October 2002 (Page 1 of 3)

I’m in London

…for a few more hours, at least. My employer’s London office is fun. Great camaraderie amongst my coworkers, and lots of welcoming introductions the last few days.

Today I try the never-before-attempted feat of working the morning in London, flying to New York, and spending the evening (overnight GMT) moving out of my old apartment. Wish me luck.

What’s it really worth?

My brother got me thinking about the cost-per-annum expense of the furniture and appliances I’m selling as I move out of my old place.

I lived uptown for five years, and my furniture at the most was that old (some pieces far less). Factoring in what I get back for the items, even as I sell things cheap, I make out OK:

Item                       Retail Resale Yrs CPA

Bed . . . . . . . . . . . .  $600  $150   5  $90

Dining table and chairs . .   250    50   5   50

Wall unit . . . . . . . . .   350   150   5   40

Dresser . . . . . . . . . .   120    10   5   22

Microwave stand . . . . . .   100    25   5   15

Bedroom lamps . . . . . . .   110    45   5   13

Coffee table  . . . . . . .    50    10   4   10

Vacuum  . . . . . . . . . .    60    20   5    8

Foyer table . . . . . . . .    40    10   4    8

Even the expensive stuff, like the bed, comes out under $10/month. Not bad.

That $150 wall unit is a steal, by the way. And wait’ll someone buys my $950 sofabed for less than three hundred bucks.


On Madison Avenue, at lunchtime, on the east side of the street, between 56th and 54th Streets: my friends’ friend’s ex-fiance, Peter, who unsurprisingly did not recognize me; a fair-skinned, red-haired woman adorned with a bindi; and Carlos Santana. It was an entertaining walk.


I will be in my employer’s London office next week. Thus, I will be in London for a few days. Funny how that works.

I arrive Sunday morning, October 27, and stay until midday Wednesday. I hope to meet some of them thar Internet peoples while I’m there (already have lunch plans Sunday). Give a shout if you’re there, too.

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