I’m munching away happily this afternoon on my brownie from Mitchel London foods — more specifically, a big round Chocolate Cheese Brownie Tart — when I spot some green flecks of garnish atop the cheesy part in the middle.

Now, Mitchel London foods is a classy establishment, right off the corner of 57th Street and Avenue of the Americas, full of fancy sandwiches and fresh-made tabbouleh and $3 round Chocolate Cheese Brownie Tarts, so it’s not the kind of place that strikes fear in one’s heart when something is amiss with one’s food, unlike the Chinese restaurant that managed to put long, gangly, black hairs in each of the two dinner entrees it sent for delivery Sunday evening (they returned the full $32.05 purchase price on the meal, by the way, very nice of them, although they’ve still been removed from the delivery shortlist). But green grass on a brown dessert is odd indeed, which led to an immediate and perfectly logical conclusion:

Pot brownie!

I skeptically scraped off the mystery greens — which are probably scallions, actually, errantly meandered over to the baking oven from the salad preparation table earlier in the day — and am polishing off the brownie as if nothing was wrong (unlike the hairy Chinese food, although one of the dinner party kept eating anyway). If I get a little loopy this afternoon, at least I know why.

I doubt it’s a pot brownie, to be honest with you. But I amused myself for a good 10 minutes, which is longer than my usual attention span, and I bet you never thought you’d see “pot brownie” show up on this Web site, didja? Oh, I can see the Google search queries already.

And on the one day I didn’t get my usual poppy bagel for breakfast….