See also Webfolio, Whimsy, + I Art Wert
November 30, 2000 +
It's just as fun when it's my fault: A diligent reader pointed out to me that Tuesday's link to the Times fashion spread (below) referred not to my brother's girlfriend's sister, which it is, but to "my brother's sister's girlfriend," which, since I'm his only sibling, would really complicate matters. Gotta ask my folks about our missing lesbian sister.
November 28, 2000 +
PayPal is just cool.
Within minutes of the completion of my TiVo auction, the winner had emailed me to confirm; by the time I got to work the next morning, I had the full fee transferred to me via PayPal.
Now that I have a substantial amount of money in my PayPal account, I set it up to bear interest, at 5.2% APR, far better than my own savings account, so I'm not even bothering to transfer the money out from x.com.
So easy, so flawless, so cool. I hope their business model sticks. It works so well, a commission on money transfers via PayPal is fine with me.
Ogle alert: My brother's girlfriend's sister (not my brother's sister's girlfriend) was the model for the New York Times' fashion spread today. (Link posted for posterity; I've only met her once. She's a fine looking gal in person, too.)
November 27, 2000 +
Business Week's Amey Stone has written an excellent summary of the greedy missteps of the Internet gold rush.
Bizarre Corporate Strategy of the Week award goes to E-Stamp, which is getting out of the e-stamp business. Fellas, you might want to change the company name while you're at it.
November 22, 2000 +
New York's Carl Swanson, defining my generation: "The dot-com dream -- that you could be rich so young that you could still be cool."
November 21, 2000 +
Buy my (mother's) TiVo.
Call Simon le Bon! Beaver College, tired of snickering teenagers laughing at its vaguely vulgar name, has settled on a new name. The committee, in choosing Arcadia University to "imply the college's commitment to close student-faculty interaction," among other things, decided to overlook such memorable pop hits as "Election Day."
And today's Did You Know: Beaver was once a women's college. *snicker*
You know who really fucking sucks? I really fucking suck. And so does Dori (who pointed out this link), and Simon le Bon, for that matter.
November 20, 2000 +
New office today, complete with new dotcommy furniture. Gotta love height-adjustable lumbar support.
Correction: It turns out that the image-layout problem noted Friday is a CSS issue and not a Blogger issue. Duly noted.
November 17, 2000 +
ICANN approved seven new top-level domains (TLDs) yesterday: .biz, .aero, .name, .coop, .info, .pro and .museum.
This is the best and most clever work they could do? Who's going to want .name? Yeah, netwert.name is so much easier than netwert.com.
More importantly, .aero and .museum are shams, as they cater to specific industries. If ICANN is going to be industry-specific, they may as well release a few hundred new TLDs into the ether, so we can have ford.cars, rollingstone.mag, perdue.food and yankees.team. What a terrible waste of time.
Dunno if anyone else has noticed, but Blogger has serious issues laying in images on Netscape browsers. Take a look at this screen shot of powazek.com. I've also noticed this on Michael Sippey's site in the past. (This site does not use Blogger, btw.)
"He would return to the game, because he's a hockey player." On a non-web note, let's take a moment to appreciate the determination of Columbus Blue Jacket Steve Heinze, who took a stick to the face last Saturday night, got nine stitches, and was back on his team's bench just two minutes later. Said Heinze: "I told the trainers, 'Hey, stitch me up quick, boys, we're on a power play.'"
November 16, 2000 +
It took me a few visits to develop the patience to figure it out, but once I did, I got a real kick out of wait all day. "Goading." Heh.
November 14, 2000 +
Beyond Billboard: Creative Music Recommendations
(first in a series; revised)
What: Red Line, by Trans Am
If: You like Radiohead's Kid A for its experimental prog-rock grandeur and not just because it's the latest Radiohead album.
Creative, catchy, and edgy, "Red Line" is as challenging as "Kid A," if a little less musically accomplished. Trans Am doesn't quite approach Radiohead's sophistication or elegance, but they've been crafting limit-pushing works for years. Tracks like "I Want It All" and "Play in the Summer" are more playful and rock out more than anything on the Radiohead disc. Recommended for those who like musicians who explore and succeed.
November 13, 2000 +
Presenting the first holiday gift idea for your local web geek (read: me).
November 11, 2000 +
Lemme tell ya:
My new cell phone is small enough to fit in the change pocket of my jeans.
My new cell phone weighs less than a Big Grab bag of Doritos.
My new cell phone came with a hands-free headset and a setting to auto-answer a call when the headset is plugged in, so I don't have to desperately grab for it when it rings.
My new cell phone is electric blue, like a paint job on a Lotus, and totally cool, yo.
My new cell phone, despite its size, has the exact same easy-to-use UI and display as my old Nokia 6160.
My new cell phone packs a lot of punch in its stubby little body. I dig it.
November 10, 2000 +
I have technolust to satisfy this weekend: Getting myself a new cell phone after staring at it in Europe and Hong Kong all last month. Mine's got terrible reception, so I even have an excuse.
November 9, 2000 +
Well, I have a new site host. Out with the old, in with the new.
Apologies for not posting the last few days. Indeed, I just stopped writing as I waited for the domains to transfer. (When you're your own publisher, you can do that.) The Ideapad has thus avoided all this wonderful election news, despite the fact that I was at Hillary's victory ball Tuesday night.
I should have everything running smoothly in the near future. (You'll notice that the in-page links are all busted. Soon, soon.) Thanks for your patience.
November 7, 2000 +
There was a 30-minute wait this morning at the building where I have to vote.
So, knowing me, there is now a 17 percent chance that I don't vote at all. Results tomorrow.
If you're wondering who I'm stumping for, I refer you as usual to the New York Times, who elucidated my feelings far better than I would have on my own (although they failed to give abortion issues enough prominence).
ESPN.com's new playful-commentary page, Page 2, is one of the most poorly named features I've seen online in a while. It implies that the pages are numbered on ESPN.com, which they're not. If anything, it should be called "second page," but even that makes no sense in the context of the web's inherent ability to sprawl.
Funny, really, that a cable television station needs to resort to traditional newspaper colloquialisms to promote features on its web site.
Pets.com is shutting down, proving that a cute collectible mascot does not a dotcom make.
November 6, 2000 +
I [heart] the New York City Marathon.
November 3, 2000 +
I am Yahooed to the hilt on my work PC these days. The new Yahoo Messenger (which has simply awful smiley face icons, but never mind) installed Yahoo Companion on my Internet Explorer, and now I'm notified in my web browser of events in my messenger, while the messenger now gives me pop-up text alerts whenever a friend comes online or I get new Yahoo email.
I normally don't enjoy such intrusiveness, but the installation was seamless and trouble-free, and I'm even more appreciative of Yahoo's wealth of services now.
Now, if only AOL would give up the ghost and allow an IM standard so I didn't have to run two and three applications all day.
To me, George W. Bush's DUI charge from 1976 is a huge non-issue, but props to the New York Post for its clever cover headline this morning.
November 1, 2000 +
The Ideapad turns two today, which makes this a good time to explain myself a bit.
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