
Redesign 2002,
June 2002
The first visual overhaul in 18 months gives fresh white backgrounds and CSS tags to NetWert for the first time. (One day this page will catch up.) Content is now in three areas, as a weblog, journal, and a usability focus. All recurring-content areas are databased and all new pages run with PHP.
Feels like the 21st century,
January 2002
For the first time since 1997, the "Feels Like" Forecast has been updated. The grid is now database-driven, and there is a new live voting component.
To know me is to know my stuff,
August 2001
New site-standard home page, with an exhibit. On display, for the record: glasses, day planner, two sets of keys, wallet, cell phone, ear plugs, lip balm, necklace, wristwatch. View them all.
July 2001
The netWert logo (top left) now says "David Wertheimer's netWert." Doesn't count for much, but hey, it's been a while since I tinkered.
June 2001
No new visuals, but the Ideapad, Journal and Auricle (and even the Forecast) are getting updated regularly.
It's about time,
March 2001
The home page now looks like the new interior pages, and there's a form on the contact page.
netWert 2001,
January 2001
The latest design expands the home page and makes inner pages look like this.
December 2000
Now playing: a dedicated music section of netWert. Moved and renamed Auricle in January 2001.
Once a Phi Kap,
December 2000 (a Mutt! Mutt! web creation)
We finally launched Zetaskulls.com, my fraternity alumni web site.
Pathetic America,
September 2000
A short-lived weblog of the inanities of the 2000 U.S. elections.
Taxi! Take Two,
September 2000
Spiffed up the home page -- more words, more links -- as well as assorted inner page imagery.
June 2000
A new home page, taken from my April trip to London.
Ideapad Explosion,
March 2000
The venerable journal adds a weblog, essays, published works, and music tracking.
Andy Lee Wanted to Be a Millionaire,
February 2000 (a Mutt! Mutt! web creation)
David Miller and I extend an old friend's 15 minutes of fame. By at least two or three seconds.
netWert 2000 1.2,
February 2000
Modified the home page so it more closely (and handsomely) resembles the rest of the site.
netWert 2000,
January 2000
Cool blue all around, and the site is a cohesive unit for the first time in years.
Doin' It Old School,
November 1999
The original "i art wert" gets put to rest.
Quiet time,
October 1999
A little freelancing, a little downtime. I am updating the Ideapad regularly. Look for Musiclues in the coming months.
Dot Com,
July 1999
Welcome to my own URL! Vanity, thy name is www.netwert.com.
Minimalism Returns,
June 1999
A fresh new home page for the summer. It's actually the bottom frame from my next idea.
Is That BBEdit?,
March 1999
Better execution of the "outline" home page, this time as a text window. (I resisted the urge to show HTML.)
Just Like College,
February 1999
The "outline" home page, which seemed much better in concept than it does in execution.
January 1999
The quote is from "Henry Fool." Also debuts the garish yellow screen.
Plug Plug,
January 1999
The Idea Pad is still alive and kicking, and makes for a pretty good read.
The Idea Pad,
November 1998
Thoughts, notes, musings -- not a journal, but close. Been meaning to get this started for ages. Here it is.
October 1998
The "friendly blue home page" and this sucka. Webfolio is on its way, really.
Tipper Gore Gets to the President,
September 1998
Now here's an idea that was way overdue.
net.wert debut,
August 1998
As the site switches from "i art wert" to its current incarnation, we (I) present to you the "deep blue screen." (And a redesigned resume.)
August 1998
News and info on your favorite small-time Web master. Do you Yahoo!? Never mind that, do you net.wert?
Open up and say 'Ansky',
June 1998
How 'bout dem Yanks?
I am also a Devils fan,
April 1998
I put this up before the playoffs, and before the Devils got knocked out in the first round.
Dirt With Rachel,
March 1998
Never came to fruition. I'm considering displaying the fragments, but not just yet. (Update January 2001: The essays are too stunted, so this is tucked away for good.)
The "Feels Like" Forecast,
November 1997
Never imitated, never duplicated. Got me into the Yahoo! Cool Links section, though. And some surprise money for my time.
June 1997
My attempt at design-free design: all HTML, no art. Gruff and revealing, yet still somehow reserved.
