Jason Kottke notes, “I’ve been keeping track of words which return a link to a dictionary definition of the word in Google.”

As kottke.org defines blog topicality, now is probably a good time to call out my own dictionary word list. Since early 2004 I’ve been tracking in del.icio.us (almost) every time I’ve looked up a definition, 164 in all. Sometimes it’s been a supplement to what I’m reading; others have been to confirm something I’m writing; still others are just sheer curiosity. A few trends can be spotted in the list if one looks hard enough.

A full list of terms (with links but without contextual notes) appears in the Read More link below for archival purposes.

  1. comportment – Definitions from Dictionary.com
  2. Cautel – definition
  3. vertiginous: Definition
  4. sedition: Definition
  5. kleptocracy: Definition
  6. Dictionary.com/multiplicitous
  7. Dictionary.com/flibbertigibbet
  8. A word for “neither solid nor liquid?” | Ask MetaFilter
  9. jerry-rig
  10. Dictionary.com/jury-rig
  11. pandemic: Definition
  12. epidemic: Definition
  13. disseminate: Definition, Synonyms and Much More From Answers.com
  14. Dictionary.com/dastardly
  15. Sloppy joe – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  16. Dictionary.com/sloth
  17. Dictionary.com/abecedary
  18. Dictionary.com/cairn
  19. Dictionary.com/taproot
  20. Dictionary.com/cherub
  21. Dictionary.com/buffet
  22. Dictionary.com/marginalize
  23. Dictionary.com/boondoggle
  24. Dictionary.com/equitable
  25. Dictionary.com/beneficent
  26. Dictionary.com/borne
  27. Dictionary.com/purveyor
  28. Dictionary.com/animation
  29. Dictionary.com/fetid
  30. Dictionary.com/influx
  31. Dictionary.com/divest
  32. Dictionary.com/levee
  33. Dictionary.com/commingle
  34. Dictionary.com/orgastic
  35. Dictionary.com/recondite
  36. Dictionary.com/commiserating
  37. Dictionary.com/conjecture
  38. Dictionary.com/albatross
  39. Dictionary.com/dilution
  40. Dictionary.com/titer
  41. Dictionary.com/fending
  42. Dictionary.com/decried
  43. Dictionary.com/breviary
  44. Dictionary.com/occlude
  45. Dictionary.com/marque
  46. Dictionary.com/biddable
  47. Dictionary.com/quixotic
  48. Dictionary.com/egregious
  49. Dictionary.com/premier
  50. Dictionary.com/premiere
  51. Dictionary.com/bogart
  52. Dictionary.com/wonky
  53. Dictionary.com/poultice
  54. Dictionary.com/taffeta
  55. Dictionary.com/mimesis
  56. Dictionary.com/endoscopy
  57. Dictionary.com/gastric
  58. Dictionary.com/exegesis
  59. Dictionary.com/obsequious
  60. Dictionary.com/verbiage
  61. Dictionary.com/vernacular
  62. Dictionary.com/asperity
  63. Dictionary.com/snipe
  64. Dictionary.com/belie
  65. Dictionary.com/semblance
  66. Dictionary.com/vanguard
  67. NIMBY: Definition
  68. Dictionary.com/emphasis
  69. Dictionary.com/dongle
  70. Dictionary.com/replicate
  71. Dictionary.com/contumely
  72. cottage industry: Definition and Much More From Answers.com
  73. Dictionary.com/propriety
  74. Dictionary.com/prescient
  75. Dictionary.com/productional
  76. Dictionary.com/effluent
  77. Dictionary.com/employee
  78. Dictionary.com/coworker
  79. Dictionary.com/colleague
  80. Dictionary.com/unequivocally
  81. Dictionary.com/dynasty
  82. Dictionary.com/fortuity
  83. Dictionary.com/manipulable
  84. Dictionary.com/half
  85. Dictionary.com/unprepossessing
  86. Dictionary.com/ignominy
  87. Dictionary.com/rambunctious
  88. Dictionary.com/postulate
  89. anastrophe
  90. anaphora
  91. What is Chiasmus
  92. Cliche Finder
  93. Dictionary.com/benediction
  94. Dictionary.com/promise
  95. Dictionary.com/denouement
  96. Dictionary.com/necrology
  97. Dictionary.com/unawares
  98. Dictionary.com/duende
  99. Dictionary.com/cajole
  100. Dictionary.com/presence
  101. Dictionary.com/pervade
  102. Dictionary.com/efficacy
  103. Dictionary.com/efficacious
  104. Dictionary.com/redact
  105. Dictionary.com/ruckus
  106. Dictionary.com/hoo-ha
  107. Dictionary.com/uproar
  108. Dictionary.com/furor
  109. Dictionary.com/fracas
  110. Dictionary.com/clamor
  111. Dictionary.com/arch
  112. Dictionary.com/recalcitrant
  113. Dictionary.com/capricious
  114. Dictionary.com/capacious
  115. Dictionary.com/strapping
  116. Dictionary.com/stridently
  117. Dictionary.com/modicum
  118. Dictionary.com/shyster
  119. Dictionary.com/grok
  120. Dictionary.com/sumptuous
  121. Dictionary.com/heathen
  122. Dictionary.com/ligate
  123. Dictionary.com/barista
  124. Dictionary.com/obviate
  125. Dictionary.com/sanguine
  126. Thesaurus.com/despite
  127. Thesaurus.com/regardless
  128. Thesaurus.com/reluctant
  129. Dictionary.com/conceit
  130. Dictionary.com/rejoinder
  131. Dictionary.com/notoriety
  132. Dictionary.com/myriad
  133. Dictionary.com/renascence
  134. Yo, vote! | csmonitor.com
  135. Dictionary.com/bi-
  136. Dictionary.com/languorous
  137. Dictionary.com/indolent
  138. Dictionary.com/dilatory
  139. Dictionary.com/gravitas
  140. Dictionary.com/ditto
  141. Dictionary.com/persnickety
  142. Dictionary.com/prow
  143. Dictionary.com/itinerant
  144. Dictionary.com/palpable
  145. Dictionary.com/glower
  146. Dictionary.com/bittersweet
  147. Dictionary.com/plectrum
  148. Dictionary.com/sycophant
  149. Dictionary.com/end-all
  150. Dictionary.com/be-all
  151. Dictionary.com/unctuous
  152. Dictionary.com/smarmy
  153. Dictionary.com/wrester
  154. Dictionary.com/double-tongued
  155. Double-Tongued Word Wrester
  156. Dictionary.com/ostensible
  157. Dictionary.com/prurience
  158. Dictionary.com/hotfoot
  159. Dictionary.com/lug
  160. Dictionary.com/ingenious
  161. Dictionary.com/touchstone
  162. Dictionary.com/twee
  163. Dictionary.com/peripatetic
  164. Dictionary.com/jocular