Congratulations to Andy Lee for winning $1,000,000 -- er, $1,000 -- on the 'Millionaire' aired Feb. 23, 2000! Andy got to talk about moose urine and show the world how little he knows about late-20th century popular fiction.
Site Options
~ View movies of Andy's appearance on the show (QuickTime files)
~ Grab pictures of Andy on TV (suitable for framing or using as your computer's desktop wallpaper)
~ Read the story of the appearance, direct from Andy himself (with embellishment)
Related Links
~ See Andy's name in the official "Millionaire site" winners list.
~ The famous get famouser: Andy's gaffe gets name-dropped by Yahoo!/Rolling Stone Music News. Look at the 8:35 entry.
Original Air Date:
Wednesday, February 23, 2000 (right after some weird guy won $125,000)
Some guy from a rival college fraternity of Andy's won $1,000,000 on iwon.com. Maybe your chances are better there.
Prize Tally:
$10,789,000 through Feb. 23; $1,000 for Andy *cough*
Be Like Andy!
You too can ignore the audience's recommendation and go home with just $1000! Go to ABC's web site for more information.