February 2010 Archives


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Butherfleye, originally uploaded by netwert.

At the butterfly exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History, February 28. Also: happy 1-and-3/4 birthday, Nate. Also: sorry about the haircut

Home improvement (3 of 4)

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Home improvement (3 of 4), originally uploaded by netwert.

Helping paint the dining room, February 21. More

First sledding

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First sledding, originally uploaded by netwert.

This morning we took advantage of the pre-blizzard snowfall (and ignored Dad's nasty sinus infection for 15 minutes) and brought Nathan sledding for the first time. In retrospect, perhaps we should have dragged him down the block on the sled instead of racing down the best hill in Riverside Park. (Don't miss the after photo.) February 11


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Scholar, originally uploaded by netwert.

Reading to himself, February 10

Tug of War

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Tug of War (I), originally uploaded by netwert.

February 6

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