October 2009 Archives

Cupcake monster

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Cupcake monster, originally uploaded by netwert.

At Dylan's Candy Bar, October 30


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Baaa!, originally uploaded by netwert.

Chester, NJ, October 11

Fall fun with friends

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On the haystack with Jack and Jerome, Chester, NJ, October 11

First haircut

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First haircut, originally uploaded by netwert.

Our baby is officially a little boy now. But that doesn't mean he's happy about it. October 10

First Shake Shack

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First Shake Shack, originally uploaded by netwert.

Kid downed a whole hamburger and a bunch of fries. October 3

Nathan walks

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Nathan walks, originally uploaded by netwert.

Tah dah! September 18

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from October 2009 listed from newest to oldest.

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