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It's all the same nowadays anyway

Nathan answering the cameraNathan has figured out how to "answer" the phone, by putting it up to his ear. He does it with the home phone, with our iPhones ... and, um, with the digital camera.

Which, if you think about it, isn't really far off.


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The concoction
3 parts observation
2 parts introspection
1 part links
1 part creativity
1 part stinging wit
dash of sarcasm

The history
The Ideapad debuted on November 1, 1998 and has been through numerous incarnations through the years. It is now a weblog and personal journal.
Once upon a time I wrote Usability: The Site Speaks for Itself (Publisher's page / Amazon.com)
Once in a whenever I consult as User Savvy (dormant)
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