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Timely Demise: now open for business

I am pleased to announce the launch of a new blog, Timely Demise. It's a side project of mine that I've been exploring for some time now, and I'm excited to share it with a broader audience.

Timely Demise is focused solely on how the economic crisis is changing the retail environment. What retailers are managing to expand? Who's consolidating or closing outlets? Eliminating brands? Liquidating assets? Anything with Main Street consumer-level impact will be covered by the blog.

This comes completely out of my own worldview. As a consumer, I take a broader, market-level perspective to my own shopping. I see Banana Republic pants as a product of the upscale marque of the Gap Inc. company; I look at the new Dunkin' Donuts on 94th and Amsterdam and consider the implications it has for the independent coffee shop on the corner. Linens 'n Things goes bankrupt and I wonder what they'll do to clear out inventory. It's how my mind works, and it's having a field day processing the current economy. So I thought I'd create a place for me to track such things.

I should expound here on my disclaimer, which is that I am an employee of an agency that works with retailers not unlike some of the companies covered in Timely Demise, and that my opinions are not at all of the expectation or hope of negative news. Quite the contrary--as an Internet strategist, I hope to be part of the short- and long-term solution for clients as they navigate a unique and difficult market. And I certainly hope that anything I cover regarding my employer's clients will be objective--and only good news.

Please visit, bookmark, add to your feeds, etc.:
Timely Demise
Timely Demise RSS Feed
Timely Demise Atom Feed

RSS Feed (yay!)


The concoction
3 parts observation
2 parts introspection
1 part links
1 part creativity
1 part stinging wit
dash of sarcasm

The history
The Ideapad debuted on November 1, 1998 and has been through numerous incarnations through the years. It is now a weblog and personal journal.
Once upon a time I wrote Usability: The Site Speaks for Itself (Publisher's page / Amazon.com)
Once in a whenever I consult as User Savvy (dormant)
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